Finding Literature in a Research Field: How AI Tools Can Help


Semantic Searching with AI Tools

Semantic searching with AI tools is dramatically changing how researchers navigate and engage with scientific literature. This revolutionizes the research process by enabling quick and effective access to relevant information for our topics of interest. In this blog post, we will delve into how AI-powered tools can enhance the search process and offer valuable insights.

Type in a question related to your research topic Semantic Scholar, a widely recognized AI-powered research tool, exemplifies the fusion of scientific literature search engines and artificial intelligence models (Huang et al., 2022).

AI-based search tools have the capability to comprehend natural language inquiries, eliminating the need for conventional keyword searches. Users can input research-related questions in plain language, and the AI algorithms will analyze the query to offer pertinent information and resources. For instance, a researcher in dentistry could ask a question like “What are the most prevalent dental diseases?” This innovative approach has the potential to significantly streamline the literature search process, allowing researchers to focus their time and energy on analyzing and synthesizing information rather than manually sifting through large volumes of literature.

Enhance search process with AI-generated keywords

One of the challenges in dental research is coming up with the right keywords to use. AI tools can address this issue by generating relevant keywords based on your research topic. These AI-generated keywords can help you uncover hidden information and explore new dimensions of your research.

For instance, if you’re conducting a study on oral health treatments, an AI tool can generate keywords like “dental implants,” “orthodontic treatment,” or “oral surgery advancements.” By incorporating these keywords into your search, you can discover new perspectives, scholarly articles, and industry advances related to dental research.

In conclusion, AI-powered tools have revolutionized the way we search, analyze, and gather information. With their semantic search capabilities, these tools understand our queries and provide relevant and summarized knowledge. By leveraging AI-generated keywords, we can enhance our research process and gain valuable insights. So, next time you’re embarking on a research journey, consider using AI tools to save time and discover new horizons.

Exploring Seed Papers

When embarking on a research journey, it is essential to have a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon. Seed papers, also known as seminal papers, serve as the bedrock of scientific research and provide valuable insights into various fields. To make the most out of these seed papers, researchers can leverage innovative tools and techniques that facilitate efficient exploration and expansion of their research. In this blog post, we will explore three such tools:Academic Insight Lab and  Lip Maps, Connected Papers, and Research Rabbit.

Academic Insight Lab

Academic Insight Lab is your go-to resource for time-saving, high-impact solutions designed specifically for higher education faculty, researchers, & graduate students.


Lip Maps: Exploring the Research Landscape

Lip Maps is an outstanding tool that enables researchers to visualize the landscape of a specific scientific field. It utilizes advanced algorithms to produce interactive maps highlighting key papers, authors, and research areas within a subject. Through Lip Maps, researchers can swiftly pinpoint influential papers and monitor the evolution of research over time.

Using Lip Maps, a researcher can initiate by inputting a single seed paper or even a collection of related papers. The tool then generates a map that visually represents the research connections between these papers. This visualization not only helps in comprehending the relationships between different ideas and concepts but also uncovers new areas for exploration.

Connected Papers: Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Researchers can utilize Connected Papers, a valuable tool that enhances the research process by facilitating seamless navigation of scholarly literature. By inputting a seed paper into Connected Papers, researchers are able to access an extensive list of references, citation contexts, and papers citing the seed paper. This functionality enables researchers to develop a comprehensive understanding of their topic and identify potential areas for further exploration.

Research Rabbit: Unleashing New Possibilities

Academic exploration tools such as Research Rabbit provide advanced capabilities for delving into the extensive domain of scholarly research. This platform utilizes sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms to offer recommendations for related papers and propose new research directions based on user input. By entering keywords, abstracts, or excerpts from existing papers, researchers can leverage Research Rabbit to reveal fresh ideas and concepts. The tool’s intelligent algorithms analyze the input and present a curated selection of papers that present unique perspectives and build upon the original research topic.


Utilizing Search Engines and AI Tools

In our fast-changing and information-driven society, search engines play a crucial role in daily life. Whether it’s staying updated, diving into an area of interest, or accessing scholarly articles for academic purposes, search engines offer access to a wealth of knowledge. While Google Scholar has been a popular choice for academic research, advancements in AI technology like Chat GPT have significantly transformed the search process.

Undoubtedly, Google Scholar remains a valuable asset for accessing scholarly literature and publications owing to its extensive database sourced from reputable origins. Researchers and learners can depend on its advanced capabilities including citation tracking and personalized recommendations made possible through its innovative features. However, AI tools like Chat GPT elevate this experience by enhancing the depth of searches.

One notable feature of AI tools like Chat GPT is their ability to generate AI-derived keywords, which act as shortcuts for refining queries and obtaining more relevant results. This mechanism allows AI-powered algorithms to analyze both the text and context of searches, extracting significance and producing concise keywords to represent desired insights. Undoubtedly, this functionality substantially enhances the search process, leading to time-saving benefits.




Huang, J., Wang, Z., Ding, L., & Liu, Y. (2022, December 17). The Analysis and Development of an XAI Process on Feature Contribution Explanation.

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